Which Dentures Are Right for You?

Which Dentures Are Right for You?

How dentures from your dentists in Columbia, South Carolina can give you back your smile

You’d like to smile, but you’re embarrassed about your missing teeth. If this describes you, it’s time to get your smile back—it’s time for you to find the right dentures! Drs. Peter and Brooke Stoltz at Three Fountains Family Dental in Columbia, South Carolina, can help you smile again.

Get the Right Dentures

You deserve a dentures set that fits well, looks great, and best fulfills your needs. With the help of our Columbia office, you can! Dentures have come a long way, and today’s sets are made of natural-looking materials and crafted to fit like a glove. You will be amazed at the comfortable, good looks your new denture will provide!

So, how do you pick the right denture? There are quite a few choices, and your choice begins with how many missing teeth you have. If you are missing a full arch of teeth, you need a full denture, either upper, lower, or both. Your choices of full dentures include:

  • Immediate dentures, which are placed right after your teeth are extracted. After you have healed completely, a more permanent, conventional denture set will be made for you. Immediate dentures allow you to go home with your smile, right after surgery. You never have to go without teeth!
  • Conventional dentures, which are made after healing is complete, usually at 6 to 8 weeks. When you choose conventional dentures, you never have to get used to two different dentures.
  • Overdentures, which are snapped in place over dental implants or existing tooth roots. Overdentures are very stable and help you conserve bone and your facial contours.

If you are missing a few teeth, but not an entire arch, partial dentures are the right choice for you. Your partial denture options include:

  • Transitional partial dentures, which are meant to be a temporary solution while you are waiting to get dental implants.
  • Conventional partial dentures, which are meant to be a permanent tooth replacement because you don’t want implants.

With the right denture, you can smile again. Drs. Peter and Brooke Stoltz at Three Fountains Family Dental in Columbia, South Carolina can help you choose the right denture. Restore your self-confidence by getting started on your new smile. Call (803) 755-0039 today!

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