Give Yourself Your Dream Smile

Give Yourself Your Dream Smile

Are you ready to find out what getting cosmetic dentistry in West Columbia can do for you?cosmetic dentistry

You’ve been thinking that it’s time to make some strides to improve the appearance of your smile. Of course, it isn’t always easy to figure out what cosmetic dentistry service you should choose. Our West Columbia, SC, family dentists, Dr. Peter Stoltz and Dr. Brooke Stoltz, offer up a variety of wonderful ways to boost your smile’s aesthetics.

Here are just some of the benefits you’ll enjoy when you get cosmetic dentistry from us:

A Whiter Smile

If you are dealing with stains caused by smoking or the foods you consume, then you’re in luck. Our West Columbia general dentists can effectively whiten teeth in their office or by providing an at-home whitening kit. With in-office whitening, we can get smiles whiter and more vibrant in often just one session.

Filling Gaps in Your Smile

If you are dealing with missing teeth, then chances are good that you want to fill that gap with a restoration that will look as natural as possible. We offer a variety of treatments for replacing missing teeth, from simple dentures to dental implants, to give you the restoration that best fits your needs.

Even, Uniformed Teeth

Crooked teeth are pretty common unless you were fortunate enough to fix these issues when you were a child or teen. If crooked or misaligned teeth still hound you, you’re in luck. No need to wear metal braces, which can be uncomfortable and embarrassing for many teens and adults. Now you can get a straighter smile with options such as clear, removable aligners and tooth-colored braces, so other people won’t notice your treatment.

If braces just aren’t in the cards for you and you’re only dealing with minor misalignment issues, then talk to us about whether getting dental veneers could actually straighten your smile out.

Hidden Cosmetic Flaws

Whether you are dealing with small cracks or misshapen teeth, there is a cosmetic treatment to improve on these issues. For minor issues, we have dental bonding. By using a tooth-colored resin and molding it to certain areas of the tooth, these flaws are now invisible.

Of course, for more moderate-to-severe imperfections, we can also apply these thin, porcelain shells called dental veneers over the front of your teeth to mask more challenging cosmetic problems.

Three Fountains Family Dental in West Columbia, SC, is ready to give you the beautiful smile you know you deserve. Let’s talk about what cosmetic dentistry can do for you. Call us today to learn more.

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