Dental Implants Give You More Than Just a New Tooth

Dental Implants Give You More Than Just a New Tooth

There are so many benefits to getting dental implants in West Columbia that you may not even realize yet.

Our West Columbia, SC dentists, Drs. Peter and Brooke Stoltz, know that you have options when it comes to how you are going to dental implantsreplace your missing tooth or teeth. Of course, dental implants have become an ideal option because they are often the next best thing to a real tooth. Of course, besides getting a restoration that functions and looks just like a real tooth there are so many other advantages that you’ll enjoy when you get this restoration:

Improved Speech

When you are dealing with tooth loss, you may notice that it’s more difficult to speak properly. For those with significant tooth loss, they may turn to dentures hoping to restore their smiles; however, dentures can sometimes slip around, causing your words to become slurred. Fortunately, dental implants won’t move around so you’ll feel confident that your speech is fully restored.

Make Chewing Easier

If you aren’t able to comfortably and easily eat certain foods, you may not be getting the nutrients you require to maintain a healthy mouth or body. Just like with speaking, slipping dentures can make eating some foods difficult, but getting dental implants in West Columbia can change all that. Implants are second only to natural teeth, which means you can enjoy all your favorite food without concern.

Protect Your Jawbone

When you lose a tooth those tooth roots are no longer present to stimulate the jawbone. When this happens other neighboring teeth can shift into the open space, causing misalignments. Also, the jawbone will begin to deteriorate because of the loss of tooth root stimulation. As the jawbone begins to lose density it will cause your chin to recede and cheeks to cave in.

Fortunately, when you get dental implants you’ll get a restoration that acts just like tooth roots. This means the implant will stimulate the jawbone to protect it from deterioration but also to promote the growth of healthy, new bone cells.

Dental implants could just be the perfect treatment for you. Don’t wait to find out! Call Three Fountains Family Dental in West Columbia, SC today and ask Dr. Stoltz if dental implants could be right for you.

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